Out of concern for our community’s health amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the start of the community football season has been postponed until 2 May. All training should be suspended until 18 April, or two weeks prior to the start of the season.
This difficult decision has been reached by NZ Football in agreement with the seven Federations, to help prevent community spread of COVID-19.
Measures being taken include:
1, Community football, including junior, youth, senior, social and regional competitions – all play postponed until 2 May
11, Community futsal including junior, youth, senior and social competitions – all play postponed until 2 May
111, The 2020 Secondary Schools Futsal Championships set for late March has been cancelled. Tertiary Futsal championships are postponed until a date to be confirmed, and all other competitions are being reviewed
1111, Workshops and courses- including coaching and refereeing courses postponed until after 2 May
Recommendations around safe practice will be continually updated, aligning with Ministry of Health guidelines.
NZ Football updates will be posted at www.nzfootball.co.nz/covid19