The following statement was released by New Zealand Football on Monday 16th.
Our community’s health comes first in football decisions
Participants, players, coaches, officials, volunteers and their families’ health is the main priority for all football decisions during the rapidly developing COVID-19 situation.
It’s vital the football community adheres to measures regarding travel and self-isolation put in place by the New Zealand Government and doesn’t contribute to any further spread of COVD-19. Please help ensure your club and organisation’s members do the same.
We are monitoring this fast-developing situation closely and will keep you updated. We encourage everyone to follow official advice around handwashing and other hygiene measures.
We have published information on hygiene for footballers on nzfootball.co.nz/covid19, which will be updated as the situation changes.
Community football
We expect advice from the NZ Government on mass gatherings this week and will update you immediately on the impact. Until then, community-level football should proceed, based on current government advice.
Football tournament organisers should ensure their cancellation policies and contingency plans are in place and clearly communicated to participants prior to the event. Individual organisations, clubs and players can elect not to participate in any activity at their personal discretion
Advice for clubs and organisations
If anyone associated with your club or organisation is feeling unwell, they should immediately self-isolate, refrain from all football activities straight away and seek medical advice by calling Healthline on 0800 611 116
Consider whether tournaments or events that may attract large crowds can be delayed or cancelled. Place signs around your club reminding your members about the risks posed by COVID-19 and encouraging basic hygiene.
Place hand sanitizers around changing and club rooms, and encourage people to use them. Ensure player facilities are maintained and cleaned to a high standard with appropriate cleaning agents, and consider cleaning them more regularly.
Work with other clubs that share facilities, if appropriate, to ensure a consistent approach
Where to get information
We will continue to take advice from the NZ Government and Ministry of Health. NZ Government information hub, including health and travel advice. Current advice for public events and mass gatherings, from the Ministry of Health